Easter bonnet or decorated egg competition!

Please get involved in our Easter competition! All entires will be celebrated in an Easter video and shared across our social media, there are also prizes to be won! So get creative and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

-Miss Blackham


Easter egg raffle!

We would be so very grateful to anyone who would like to donate towards our raffle and purchase tickets to raise funds for our Year 6’s leavers hoodies. Please take any donations to 6B (Miss Blackham) and see the above poster for details how to purchase tickets!

-Miss Blackham


5T and 5K Rugby

On Monday 21st March, Mr Meade has kindly organised a rugby session for the class. Please can all children ensure they have a full PE kit in school on this date? They will also need a separate pair of trainers for playing rugby so they have clean footwear for inside of school.Thank you in advance.


Comic Relief – Wear something Red!

Making a Stand

Wow! I am so proud of Anez, Haprer and Arwa. After learning about the impacts of deforestation, and reading the book, ‘Climate Action’, the girls were inspired to make a stand to Mrs Ogle about using the search platform Ecosia in school, rather than Google. Ecosia is an organisation that use their profit to fund planting trees to try and help reverse the effects of deforestation. Mrs Ogle and Mrs Graves were so impressed when the girls presented their ideas to the class, that they have sent them to Mr Ap Hari at XP! Well done girls, you are helping positively change our world. I can’t wait to hear back from Mr Ap Hari! #LovePlover

This week in 5T

This week, we have worked on finding equivalent fractions in Maths. I am really pleased to see how confident the children are becoming with this. In English, we have been learning about the devastating impacts of deforestation, through reading non fiction texts, as well as through the fiction text, ‘The Vanishing Rainforest.’ The children had to predict what would happen in the story, using the pictures from the book. Here they are trying to work out which order they should go in.

Well done 5T, keep up the hard work. #LovePlover

World Book Day

We had a super World Book Day, enjoying a draw along with Phil Sheppard, hearing Mrs Coward read to us, reading the shared school book, ‘Lots’, and producing beautiful work linked to the story. Have a look at our amazing outfits! #LovePlover

World Book Day Winners

Well done to the winners of the World Book Day competition! Here are the winners with their prizes. Well done and thank you to everyone who entered, there were so many fantastic and creative ideas. They are proudly displayed in phase areas for everyone to enjoy. #LovePlover

Storytelling in Y5

Today, we have looked at pictorial clues from the story, ‘The Vanishing Rainforest’, to try new work out what happens in the story. We have retold the story in our own words, before Miss Topliss read the story and we found out if we had got it correct!! We are busy building background knowledge on deforestation and its impact, so that we can write our own speeches next week. #LovePlover