Fruit Tasting

Today in our crew session we were delivered a platter of different fruits to try. Pineapple and blueberries seemed to be the favourite. Surprisingly not many people enjoyed the mango- but that meant more for me! What a great way to start our day.


Postcard Winner

We are super proud of Zara. During Maths assessments she has shown a positive attitude and a determination to do her best. We couldn’t ask for any more. Well done.

Harry Potter trip- Y6

Just a few reminders regarding the Harry Potter trip:

-Children can attend school at normal time on Thursday- we will be setting off promptly at 9:30am.

-Children will be having KFC for dinner- paid for with fundraising money (all children have already ordered). Children need a packed lunch for their tea.

-Children can come in non-uniform (appropriate, comfy clothes and footwear).

-They can bring water for the journey, snacks (no chewing gum) and a cushion if they wish.

-No phones are allowed, I will ensure I take plenty of photos for the children’s memories and I will create a video of the photos which I will share on our blog and Facebook page

If you have any further questions- please feel free to email me on [email protected]

Healthy eating next week

Dieting vs healthy eating / living | BCNH

Next week in Crew, we will have the opportunity to try a range of fruits. There will be a range of home learning challenges to get involved in so keep an eye out for those on the blog. The first one is to send in any photos that you have of you eating a piece of fruit- please email these to [email protected] and we will celebrate them on our blogs!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

-Miss Blackham


Thank you Martin and Watson from Doncaster Dons!

Year 5&6 children were given an amazing opportunity today to work with Martin and Watson from Doncaster Dons. The children were so excited and have really enjoyed themselves. We’ve had lots of children ask for a tag-rugby club next year because they had so much fun! Thank you Martin and Watson for a fantastic experience!
-Miss Blackham


Books to support with transition.

These books have come highly recommended to support with transition to secondary as we enter the final weeks of Plover for our year 6’s. If anyone is interested in reading one of these books at home with their children or encouraging their child to read one of these books please let me know. I have one copy of each book which I am happy to loan out. These books are also available to purchase on most book sites.
-Miss Blackham


Successful film night!

Thank you so much to those children in 5/6 who stayed for film night which helped raise funds for our phase! The children are full on hotdogs, juice and biscuits. Of course they are watching Harry Potter as we have lots of Harry Potter fans now thanks to the hook of our latest Expedition!
Thank you to all staff for supporting with this event to give our children all of these experiences!
-Miss Blackham


Postcard Winners

Congratulations to Rajitha and Harry for being awesome since half term. They are working hard and being kind around the classroom, doing little things that make a big difference to our crew!
