We are historians!

Wow, year 6’s have been busy today! They have researched the jobs which children (some much younger than them) did down the mines. They were shocked and saddened to hear that some children as young as four went down the mines to be trappers. They then took the information they had researched and presented it in a variety of ways. Some chose to create YouTube videos, some chose to create slides and some chose Padlet. The children were so engaged in today’s lesson that they have asked if they can continue to work on their presentations tonight. Here are some examples below (more will be celebrated as they are completed). Well done you lovely lot! I am so proud of you all and I can’t wait to hear all about your research tomorrow!

Amez’s first video

Amez’s second video

Luke’s slides

Marcel and Kristians’ slides

Kai’s slides

Lucas’ slides

-Miss Blackham


TT rockstars club 3-4pm every Thursday for Years 5&6!

Starting Thursday 25th February, I will be holding a TT Rockstars club via hangout for years 5/6 3-4pm. I know the children are enjoying TT as my account is filled with battle requests! (I will get to the top of that leader board)! I have seen a great improvement of times table knowledge and I really want everyone to keep it up.
This virtual club will be a great opportunity for the children to play with their friends whilst developing their recall of times tables.

Iā€™m really looking forward to starting this club and even more excited to beat you all to the top of that leader board! Game on 5/6! 🤩

-Miss Blackham


Our virtual parliament visit!

Years 5&6 children were given an amazing opportunity to have a virtual visit of parliament. We engaged with two experts who talked us through the roles of MPā€™s and the houses of commons and they answered lots of our questions! The children were amazing and have taken lots away of knowledge!
Well done you lovely lot!

-Miss Blackham


Who’s Going to Win a Box of Dunkin Doughnuts?

Don’t forget this Friday, we will be announcing the winners of our reading competition.Ā  Every time you pass an Accelerated Reader Quiz you will be entered into the prize draw to win a lovely box of doughnuts.Ā  So the more thatĀ  you read and the more quizzes you pass, the more chances you will have to win!




Leavers Hoodies

As your child nears the end of their primary years at Plover, we would like them to leave with a hoody as a memorable gift.

The hoodies will be navy blue. The reverse will be printed with the names of the Y6 children in the shape of a 21 with the word LEAVERS.Ā 

The hoodies are available in sizes 12/13, Adult S or Adult M (smaller sizes are available should you require them). There will be no cost for these hoodies as we have managed to raise enough funds to cover the costs. We would like to give a shout out to Lacey Johnsonā€™s mum (Clare) for all the amazing work she has put into supporting our fundraising.Ā 

In order to be able to print the name of each child on the reverse of the hoody we need your permission. If we do not receive your permission, your childā€™s name will not be included on the logo.Ā 

Please can you email your permission along with the required size and your childā€™s name to [email protected] by Friday 26th February.Ā 

Project Polar

Good morning

I have just received an email from Yorkshire Wildlife Park to say that due to current Covid restrictions they are having to cancel our virtual Project Polar visit. They apologise for the inconvenience and are looking forward to working with us in the future.
Although this is disappointing for the children, we fully understand the situation they are in. We have some other on line resources including clips from the Wildlife Park that we will use instead.

Mrs Price



Plover school sharing the love 💗

I am so proud of all of the children who contributed to the Santander ā€˜thank key workersā€™ valentines display. This is the display so far and I am sure you will all agree, it looks beautiful! Keep an eye out for the video of all the contributions, which will be coming very soon! Well done everyone!
-Miss Blackham


Pancake fun!

We had lots of fun in 5/6 creating our pancake wraps and the children deserve it after a busy half-term! They loved making them and enjoyed eating them even more. When the children at home return to school, they too will get the same opportunity to make the pancake wraps.

Please send in any pictures of your pancakes that you have had at home over half-term and we’ll share them on our blog (I’ll make them into a short video).

Have a well deserved break 5/6, stay safe and remember we are so proud of you!

-Miss Blackham


6B’s yellow t-shirt winner is…

Well done to Amez who is this week’s yellow t-shirt winner in 6B. I am so proud of you Amez, you always push yourself to achieve your ME’s. You always work hard, you always get smart and you are always kind. The work you have been producing at home is of an extremely high standard and I couldn’t ask for anything more from you.

You are awesome Amez!

-Miss Blackham
