It’s quiz time!

Year 6 have been working collaboratively to produce a quiz for the rest of their year group today to celebrate our last day in isolation- whoop whoop! They have been very harsh with their question choices but we have all learnt lots!
The children have been absolutely amazing online and I am so proud of each and every one of them! It would have been quite easy to log off for the rest of the year but they’ve shown what fabulous little people they are by logging on and working hard each day. They truly deserve the most amazing leavers celebrations which start tomorrow! We can’t wait!
-Miss Blackham


HoWLs points winners in 5/6!

In Years 5&6 we launched a summer term competition. All children who received an average of 3 or above on their daily HoWLs would be put into a prize draw to win a Harry Potter themed afternoon tea by Cupcakes 2 love Ltd. I am so proud that so many Year 5&6’s names were put into the draw! 5 crew coins to everyone who made it! The winners were Lexie from Year 5 and Luke from Year 6! Your afternoon teas will be with you on Tuesday to take home (I am very jealous!)

Keep up the hard work everyone!
-Miss Blackham


Exciting summer rugby camp opportunity for KS2

Doncaster RLFC is delighted to be part of Doncaster’s Staycation programme this summer.

We have teamed up with other local providers to bring you Camp Doncaster. Alongside a partnership of other local providers we will be delivering fun and engaging activities throughout the summer, ranging from rugby, boxing, cricket, dance and football to healthy eating and nutrition sessions

The programme will run from 2nd August to 26th August Monday to Thursday, 10am – 3pm, at:

Bentley Road Recreation Ground (Mon & Tues)

Doncaster Toll Bar Rugby Club (Weds & Thurs)

In addition to all the fun activities children will also receive lunch every day and be able to learn lifelong skills.

The programme is free to children who are in receipt of free school meals so why not book a place today by following the link below or using the QR code:

We look forward to seeing you all this summer.


The Doncaster RLFC team

Shout out to Maison and Mia!

ALL Year 6 have produced some awesome work today and I am so proud. I have to give a shout out to Maison and Mia for their awesome letters to their future self. Today we discussed how important it is to set goals so the children discussed what they wanted to achieve by the end of Year 7 and then wrote to themselves as if they had already achieved it. I have loved reading them all. I can’t wait to share even more fab letters once the children have acted upon their critique!

-Miss Blackham


Letters to our England team- Making a stand! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

After last nights football, of course our crew circle became about the football. However, it wasn’t about our disappointment of the score but the disappointment of the words shared and the very unkind comments afterwards. We discussed it and decided we needed to make a stand. We needed to show support to our players and let them know we are behind them. Year 6 decided to write letters to the players to be shared on our school Twitter page and they will also be posted to them so hopefully they’ll receive them. We are so very proud of the England team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and so very proud of our year 6’s for making a stand.


Good morning Year 6!

Good morning everyone! Please remember to join our google hangout at 10:30. There are lots of activities for you to join in with before our check in if you wish to. We have a really important task to do at 10:30 which I am sure you will all be excited about! I know I am! I can’t wait to hear how your weekends been- speak soon!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 leavers celebrations

Friday 16th July- Year 6 will return to school. I will be filming on this day for their leavers video so please ensure your child is in school.

Monday 19th July- Year 6 will start their leavers picnic celebrations at 12:30. We are hoping to be able to invite parents but this will be confirmed next week as restrictions are made clearer. Children will require a packed lunch and will have the opportunity to sign shirts, share memories and have fun! The ice-cream van will arrive at 1pm and children will be treated to an ice-cream. They will also be presented with an award and their leavers hoody. At the end of the day, staff will join to clap out our Year 6’s as they walk down the red carpet and have their time to shine!

Tuesday 20th July- I have managed to rearrange the leavers surprise to Tuesday 20th July. We know this is the last day of term but there was no way we were letting our Year 6’s leave without their surprise- they deserve it! Children must be in school at the normal time of 8:40 and all will be revealed to them at 9am!

Finally, please send a baby/toddler photo and a most recent photo of your child to [email protected] by Thursday 15th July at 3pm.

Thank you all for your continued support!

Miss Blackham
