Read at home and have your reading record signed (reading records to follow this week) for the chance to be entered in the draw for a £25 fish and chip voucher! (This is for use at our local fish and chip shop). You’ll be able to treat your family to something delicious as a reward for your hard work! 1 entry per day please (so even if you read 3 times at home in one evening, you will only be entered once). Crew leaders will try hard to listen to you read if you don’t have any opportunity to at home. Please note, only the top reader from each class will be entered and then it will be a draw between the top reader in 5K, 5T, 6C and 6H. Happy reading UKS2 #LovePlover
Category : Phase Blogs
Times Table Rockstars
Our top three winners for accuracy and improvement this week…

Also a big well done to Kyeran A who could not be in school today but came 2nd in improvement!
Well done everyone!
Mrs Haycock
Star Readers
Well done to Razvan, Mia and Jasmine for making progress in their Star Reader tests. Keep the good reading up this year.

HOWL Winners
Congratulations to Crew Keegan for having the highest crew averages last week. This means you are really working hard, to get smart and being kind.

Year 5 are scientists!
-Miss Blackham
Stewardship winners!

Well done to Flloyd and Harper who won the stewardship award this week for taking their class job roles very seriously and doing a fabulous job! Well done!
-Miss Blackham
Community crew appreciation winners!

Well done to this lovely lot for being chosen by their crews for appreciations this week! #Wearecrew!
-Miss Blackham
Silent discussions in Year 5 reading!
Wow! A huge shout out to Year 5 this morning were working hard this morning during their silent discussion. They were using models to support their reading comprehension answers and I was so impressed! Well done you lovely lot! 10 crew coins each!
-Miss Blackham
Year 5 beautiful work!
-Miss Blackham
Seb the star! 🌟

It’s not everyday you walk into Primark and see yourself modelling and on the walls!Just look at this gorgeous photo of Seb proudly standing in front of his modelling photo! What an awesome achievement! Be sure to look out for Seb when shopping in Primark! We are all so so proud of you at Plover!
-Miss Blackham