The children had a PE lesson today based on health and fitness. They worked so hard completing different fitness circuits (some circuits a lot harder than others!) Great work Year 4!
Miss Wood
The children had a PE lesson today based on health and fitness. They worked so hard completing different fitness circuits (some circuits a lot harder than others!) Great work Year 4!
Miss Wood
Another rainy day meant Year 3 had to do their hockey lesson indoors this morning. The children did an amazing job of working in groups to pass their balls to each other. The children are showing great progress each week! Great work Year 3!
Miss Wood
Year 4 had such a great time this morning learning how to communicate effectively in P.E. Some children were blindfolded while their partner gave clear instructions to make it from one place to another. They then moved on to working on their team work skills by moving across the playground inside hoops. What a super Crew they were!
Miss Wood & Miss Henderson
Tomorrow is LKS2 family learning for year 3 and 4 which will start at 1:30 and finish at around 3. Family members are to sign in at the office and will join the children in completing different activities set up across the four classrooms. Also if you could bring in any spare cardboard to use to make Roman shields, that would be greatly appreciated.
Year 3&4 team
Mrs Carter and I could not be prouder of this group of children. They were unhappy that there was litter on our school grounds! Thoughtfully, they took it upon themselves to ask for a carrier bag so that they could clean up what they could. How kind!
The children also wish to make a stand:
Don’t drop your litter or your scraps of toast. From our classroom windows, we often see gulls trying to eat pieces of toast that are far too big for them to swallow. Think about what could happen next when you drop your toast. Then pick it up and put it in the bin. Thank you.
Mrs Haycock
We have had a lovely last day in 3G.
We have been blowing bubbles with our new bubble wands; reading our new books- we were given a book by Marcus Rashford; we had a lovely leavers assembly for the Year 6 pupils; this afternoon we spent our crew cash on a Mcdonalds; and finally we had an ice pop.
On a personal note I would like to say how much I have enjoyed working with my class this year and I am so looking forward to moving with them into 4G.
I was blown away by all the kind words, cards and presents. It is never expected but is greatly appreciated it – thank you so much.
Enjoy your summer holidays and get plenty of rest, I will see you all on Tuesday 30th August.
Mrs Graves