LKS2 Children’s University Stamp Codes

The Stamp codes for our Autumn after school clubs are ready. Login to your dashboard and add the correct stamp code every time you attend a club. You can add a code for any club from this week onwards. I will be giving you some backdated hours, for last half term, so look out for them arriving soon.

Mrs Shuka


Thanks for coming

Thank you to all who attended our first Children’s University coffee morning and a special thank you to our parent ambassadors. It was lovely to see you all there. Children should have brought home their login details and club stamp codes will be available very soon. If you haven’t already signed up, letters are available outside the office.


Mrs Shuka


Children’s University Coffee morning

Please drop in for a tea or coffee and a biscuit on Tuesday morning at 9:00am. There will be a chance to meet our parent ambassadors and staff from Children’s University and to sign up to the digital passport or find out more, if you haven’t already. Children’s logins will be available very soon and club hours can be backdated.

Hope to see lots of you there!

Mrs Shuka


We would like to invite you to join us!

Children in Years 3 and 4 have been working incredibly hard throughout their first expedition of the school year and we are extremely proud of all of them! Well done everyone.

Your children would now like to invite you, their parents/carers, siblings, grandparents or other family members, to join them in a celebration of their learning.

Mrs Haycock


Autumn Handwriting Competition

Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.

Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

Mrs Graves


LKS2 Shout Out!

Well done to all the children in Year 3 and 4 this week. You have worked so incredibly hard, fitting in the learning that was planned to be covered over four days into the 3 days we had this week.

I have seen how hard you have worked on your final write and I am looking forward to reading some more in more detail.

You have really demonstrated how much you have learnt in your World War 2 expedition so far.

Well done and keep up the hard work!!

Mrs Graves


Speaking Books in Different Languages

Today we have been so lucky to receive books from Doncaster Stories and the National Literacy Trust.

We have lots of beautiful books in school, but these books are extra special, because the talk in different languages.

We have a selection of beautiful picture books in Polish/English, Romanian/English, Nepali/English and Arabic/English, but not only are they lovely to look at, with the use of a special pen, the story is read aloud in either English or the alternative language.

This will be a super resource to share not only with our children who speak English as an additional language, but also with our children who find it challenging to read texts.

I look forward to seeing how our children respond to them.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 PE

For your information, Year 4 PE will usually be held on Monday and Year 3 PE will usually be held on Wednesday.

There may be times when these days have to change ( due to weather, extra PE sessions or other unforeseen circumstances), so please could children bring their PE kits to school on Monday and leave in school until Friday.

It also helps us greatly if all items of PE clothing (and footwear) are labelled with the child’s name.

Thanks for your support

Mrs Graves
