Presenting our Expedition learning- Year 6 to Year 2!

Year 2 and 6 paired up this morning to present their Expeditionary learning to one another. It was great to see such a buzz in the classroom as children shared their learning journeys this term. Year 6 have learnt so much about KS1’s Expedition and they were so impressed with how much work they have done this term!

-Miss Blackham


Crew Abbiss

Today we thought about moving into year 3. We made anchor charts about what makes us feel excited and what makes us feel worried, this helped us to have conversations to prepare us for transition days next week!

Mrs Abbiss.



I wish I could pack you all up with a map for when I get lost! You are all so fab at directions! We had lots of practise and fun using chalk on the playground to create a route and then using our key vocab ’clockwise’ ’anti-clockwise’ and ’quarter turn’ today. Well done 2B! Special shoutout to Bobby who really impressed us all today – our chins hit the floor he was so confident and accurate when he gave his directions!


Special shoutouts to our superstars!

Well done to Alina, Jan and Elijah who all achieved green standard in our reading comprehension today. I was blown away by their answers! Alina used powerful adjectives like ’heart breaking’. Elijah wrote a beautiful answer about how people shouldn’t be treated differently because of the way that they look. Jan sounding out and correctly spelt ’terrified’! An amazing adjective! Well done.

We must give a special shout out to Lena who has been given a head teachers award! Well done Lena for moving up a book band, all those minutes reading really add up!


We’ve been testing our lefts and rights!

We’ve had a brilliant afternoon today in maths! We’ve been directing our friends from point A to B using the key terminology left and right. Some of us could even say why some of our friends arrived at point B the fastest! We had a quick cha cha slide dance break to consolidate our learning. You have no excuses to get your lefts and rights mixed up now 2B!


Sharing Stories

We are beginning to think ahead to next year and our Autumn Expedition in LKS2.

Do you know anybody (Grandparents, family members, friends or organisations) who would be willing to share their experiences of World War (at home or in the forces) with our children to help them with their learning?

If you know of anyone, please could you let Mrs Graves know, so that we can begin to plan ahead.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Graves


3D Shapes!

Today, in 2K we have been looking at 3D shapes. The children did a gallery walk around the classroom to look at all the different shapes and write down all the things they noticed about the 3D shapes.

Great work 2K!! #LovePlover