Past and present- we are historians.

Today we learned about the seaside long ago and compared it to the seaside today. The children really enjoyed looking at different photos of the seaside and were particularly interested in bathing machines. They also looked at the pictures in the scrapbook of our own holidays at the seaside.

Mrs Price


Past and present

This afternoon we have been historians looking at the seaside in the past compared to now. We created a timeline of the seaside and did a sorting activity of varies seaside items.

Miss Wood


Yellow t-shirt

Well done to Alec for getting our yellow t-shirt for extending learning, good behaviour and working hard in his home learning.

Mrs Price


Pride of Plover

Well done to Dolly who got our yellow T-shirt this morning! Dolly has improved her attitude to learning massively since coming back after Easter and has produced some beautiful expedition work this week. Keep it up Dolly, well done.

Miss Wood


Being kind

Shoutout to Nevaeh who has been a very good friend this afternoon and super helpful with tidying up.

Miss Wood


Writing star

Mia chose to do writing independently today and she produced a list for her picnic basket. I am so impressed with the progress that she has made.

Well done Mia.

Mrs Price



These children have blown me away with their maths work today, challenging themselves to make bigger numbers in different ways. The children also organised numbers from 0-30 independently.

Shoutout to Weronika who persevered to get to green standard as well, even though she found it tricky to begin with.

Miss Wood
