Maths week in Foundation 1!

In Foundation 1, we use shape and number, in all of the areas of our setting.Ā 

We have lots of opportunities to write and cut ,shapes and numbers.









We can count our jumps and claps! In our role play area, we were looking for circles on the table, in the firework pictures and our poppy plates.





We use number and shape when we are learning outdoors too. We can match the numbers on the fence, to our bikes and mark make with chalks.Ā 

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We can use our I pads and the interactive white board.Ā 





Remembrance day

In Foundation 1, we watched an animation about a bunny rabbit in a field of poppies. We tried to be quiet for two minutes, whilst we watched the film. We made poppies out of paper plates and decorated them with paint, glitter and tissue paper.

There are lots of events during the holidays in and around Doncaster!

-Miss Blackham



We have enjoyed hearing, and role playing, the story of Rama and Sita today. We have dressed up and used masks to retell the story. We used salt dough to make a diva lamp that we will decorate next week.