We’ve had fun enhancing our small world area by creating stick puppets of arctic animals.

We’ve had fun enhancing our small world area by creating stick puppets of arctic animals.
It has been a week since World Book Day, and I thought it would be lovely to look back and remember what a great day it was.
The website has been updated with photographs, so head over there if you want to linger over the pictures a little longer.
But for a whistle-stop tour of the day, check out our video…..
Mrs Graves
Well done to our F2 winners. Rayyan has settled well into being at school and is responding well to what she is told to do. She has made lots of friends.
Ralph has shown exceptional manners, fantastic imagination and a very caring attitude to his friends. He has also been working hard.
Well done you two. We are proud of you.
Mrs Price
On the last day of term EYFS are going to have a bunny run. The children will run to find a bunny (a paper one!). There is the opportunity for your child to enter a raffle to win an Easter egg. It costs 50p a ticket. The winners will be posted on the Friday and the winner given their Easter egg.
Mrs Price
This week we have been thinking about being kind to each other. We have shared resources and taken turns in class. We’ve also been getting crafty, making something for someone who is kind to us at home. You’ll have to wait until Sunday to see what we have made!
We had a great day celebrating books at Plover. There were all sorts of characters walking around from Gangsta Granny to Mr and Mrs Twit; Mary Poppins and Wonky Donkey; Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Grandma’s clothing- plus lots, lots more!
We had lots of potato photos for the potato character competition and some great reviews on the Padlet – check out the books that have been recommended – they are bound to make you LOL!
Our Masked Reader competition was very popular – well done to Harper in 4G for correctly identifying all 20 of the Masked Readers
We have lots of photos of the day so check out our World Book Day Website for many more: https://sites.google.com/ploverschool.co.uk/ploverworldbookday2021/home
Well done to our 2 superstars in F2 who got Pride of Plover this week.
Helen-Rose has worked really hard especially in large group time and Mrs Shuka is so impressed with the effort that she has put in.
Marnie has been very kind and helpful to a new child in our class, explaining routines and showing him what to do. We are very proud of you Marnie and your friends chose you too.
Well done girls
Mrs Price
Friday 5th March
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Teach phase 3 tricky words: Look at words you are still finding challenging. Choose these words on phonics play – train your brain. Look at which part of the word is tricky.
3, Today we will learning to read and write phase 3 tricky words (or the phase your child is working on – see pledge). You will need a dice.
4. Draw a picture to go with my sentence:
We all turn for the brown cow.
Send it to me to show you have read it correctly.
Revision and practise Video of the lesson
In this lesson, we will practise some of the concepts of shape and pattern.
Recap the names of 2D shapes and describe them.
Recap the names of 3D shapes and describe them.
Now for some pattern practice. You have practiced making patterns with 2D shapes but can you make them with 3D shapes? Which shapes can you use? Can you describe the shapes. You could draw the pattern of make it with objects in your home.
Now lets look at number patterns. 2 4 6 8 – what will be the next number and why? 10 20 30 40 – what will be the next number in the pattern and why? 6 5 4 – what will be the next number in the pattern and why?
Finish your learning today by looking at the patterns of 1 greater and 1 less, 1 more and 1 fewer.
Mrs Price