Pride of Plover

Well done to Ines who got our yellow T-shirt today for being a great role model to her peers and working extra hard with her phonics. We are so proud of you Ines, keep up the great work.

Miss Wood


Observational drawing

Yesterday we did some observational paintings of Daffodils. The children worked really hard to refer back to the daffodils to add the detail and use the correct colours.

Miss Wood



Shout out’s to Nevaeh, Riley, Ines and Sergei that did some amazing independent maths work yesterday, following our whole class input of counting in twos. Keep up the hard work.

Miss Wood



Shout out to Dolly who did some, amazing phonics work today and to Mason for making some all round good choices during provision yesterday. You superstars!

Miss Wood


Yellow T-shirt

Well done to Reign who got our yellow T-shirt today. Reign has worked hard to improve his HOWLs by working hard on his writing, helping his peers and doing some great tidying up. Well done Reign!

Miss Wood


Red Nose Day

We have had lots of fun raising money for Red Nose Day today, it was lovely to see the children all dressed in red.

Miss Wood


Easter bonnet or decorated egg competition!

Please get involved in our Easter competition! All entires will be celebrated in an Easter video and shared across our social media, there are also prizes to be won! So get creative and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!

-Miss Blackham


Easter egg raffle!

We would be so very grateful to anyone who would like to donate towards our raffle and purchase tickets to raise funds for our Year 6’s leavers hoodies. Please take any donations to 6B (Miss Blackham) and see the above poster for details how to purchase tickets!

-Miss Blackham


Independent learning

Nevaeh extended her own learning today by choosing to make a paper boat, after we had created our own boats, remembering to include parts of the boat such as the mast and the keel. Nevaeh persevered with her picture, going back to add the sand, ocean and waves underneath it. Well done Nevaeh.

Miss Wood
