2L Poppy Art Work

Yesterday, the children in 2L worked on the Buzeman Art inspired poppy artwork. They used pastels to create the mood in the background, before using acrylic paint with different pulling and pointillism techniques to create the poppy fields. We are so proud of their creativity.

Poppy Art Work

In 1LI today, we have been working hard to create beautiful poppy artwork. We have used techniques that all the teachers were recently taught, by Joyce from Buzeman Art, to recreate poppies using different art techniques. We used pastels to create a background representing the changing colours of the battlefields. We then used string and acrylic paint to recreate the poppy stems, before using pointillism to create the poppies.

Mrs Ogle was so impressed she awarded the whole class Headteacher’s award stickers!

Conker Fireworks

We dipped conkers in paint and then rolled them down the ramp to create a firework picture. We spoke about the different colours and what happened as the colours mixed together. We also discussed the different patterns we could see and how it looked like fireworks when they pop.

Miss Wood


Firework Pictures

We have been artists this week and created our own fireworks. We used toilet roll tubes, paint and glitter to create the magical explosion affect.

Miss Wood


Well done to our art competition winners!

Well done to everyone who entered our art competition and have produced some stunning artwork for our staff room. The art work will really make out staff smile when they are planning! Everyone who participated have earned 10 crew coins but Josiah and Aarav won the prizes!

-Miss Blackham


Our art competition closes tomorrow- you have to be in it to win it!

We are challenging ALL of our pupils to enter our half-term art competition. We would love you to create a piece of art to display proudly in our school staff room. You can create any piece of artwork you like! Please ensure any contributions are given to your class teacher on the 31st October who will pass them on to myself and the winners will be notified on the 1st November. There will be numerous prizes: the most creative, the brightest, the most unique and an overall winner!

We hope you all get involved and we cannot wait to see all your beautiful art creations!

-Miss Blackham


Preparing our product

We have been learning to critique our art work in order to edit and improve our designs. The children looked closely at animal pictures talking about the features that they could see.

Have a look at some of our designs.

Mrs Price


Please enter our art competition- prizes to be won!

We are challenging ALL of our pupils to enter our half-term art competition. We would love you to create a piece of art to display proudly in our school staff room. You can create any piece of artwork you like! Please ensure any contributions are given to your class teacher on the 31st October who will pass them on to myself and the winners will be notified on the 1st November. There will be numerous prizes: the most creative, the brightest, the most unique and an overall winner!

We hope you all get involved and we cannot wait to see all your beautiful art creations!

-Miss Blackham
