Well done to this weeks TTRockstars champions!
Shout out to Crew Robertson for winning this week’s crew challenge.

Well done to this weeks TTRockstars champions!
Shout out to Crew Robertson for winning this week’s crew challenge.
Jasper and Sienna represented Plover today at the XP rail city book launch at Danum gallery. They were the first to look through the exciting book which includes a selection of work from the XP trust schools over the past ten years all linked to rail heritage in Doncaster.The book is available to purchase at Waterstones!
-Miss Blackham
Well done as always to the superstars who were awarded the yellow t-shirt today. We are so proud of you all!
-Miss Blackham
Congratulations to everyone who entered the Handwriting competition – you have produced some beautifully presented poems and it was very difficult to judge.
Everyone who entered has earned a prize but the overall winners were:
Come and see me at play time on Monday for your prize.
Mrs Graves
UKS2 have been working so hard all term to finish their sustainable greenhouse and planters to grow produce for our Plover pantry. They have planned, designed, evaluated and critiqued to ensure the final product was the best it could be! Next week, we will plant the first of our produce and we can’t wait to observe and watch it grow! We also want to use some of our home-grown goods as part of our summer Expedition- all about healthy eating! Come back to check out our blogs next week to see us planting!
-Miss Blackham
Hi all, these children are taking part in the Dodgeball Tournament tomorrow after school at Plover 3.30pm-4.30pm. Please can these children wear comfortable trainers and PE shorts – Plover will provide a sports top:
Ara R, Cameron B, Syler Rose E, Eifa W, Ella B, Johnny C, Tommy Lee C, Taliah D, Jasmine Marsh, Scarlett C, Darwin A, Sumit T, Eden Z, Tommy B, Henry R, Lily-Grace G.
We will be competing against Mount Carmel and Park Primary.
Children will be dismissed from the main reception.
Any questions please ask Mr Meade
5L had a brilliant PE session this morning. They warmed up by working in groups to stretch and make letters and numbers with their bodies.They then worked on their team building skills to map out a route to ‘cross the river’ while their team mates had to remember which cone was the correct one until they made it to safety.
Miss Wood.
I am so proud of our gorgeous Year 5 & 6’s and their work this term as part of our Expedition! Here is just a little snippet with more photos and videos to follow!
-Miss Blackham
A polite reminder about our celebration of learning event on Monday at 2:30pm. We hope to see you all there!
-Miss Blackham