We have an awesome crew in F2 this year!
‘mmm’ lunch time
Today’s sound we learnt was /m/ then the children used “Maisie mountain mountain” to help them write the letter m in their phonics books. They did a m-i-n-t mint job!
Then we enjoyed a mmmarvellous dinner and most children devoured their pizza, pasta or potatoes. #LoverPlover
Marvellous Maths in F2M
The children have blown me away with their counting and subitising skills this morning in maths. We did an active starter, followed by counting how many friends we have in our crew today. Then played the subitise game to quickly say how many cubes or dots Mr Meade showed.
Shout out to Koby and Leo work working hard on their count. #LovePlover
Competitive Crew Commando Joe Challenges
Year 3 had great fun on Friday afternoon when they had to work in crew teams to complete the challenges set for them. Communication was key; some of us were great at this, whilst others needed to learn share the air or to listen with more care. Once this was achieved, we were able to work much more effectively as crews and in doing so, we learnt a lot about each other too!
Well done, Year 3. Remember to continue communicating clearly and working to your strengths.
Mrs Haycock
What does Crew mean to me?
3H have been really busy this week thinking about ‘What Crew means to them’ and how they could show this in an ‘act of kindness’. We realised quickly that Crew means looking after each other and the area we live and work in. To show an act of kindness, we decided to head out into the community and give it a good old clean up.
With litter pickers and bags in hand, 3H came back with more litter than I even imagined!
Well done everyone! Your act of kindness did not go unnoticed by your community!
Mrs Haycock
First Day of School in F2M – Be Kind: How do we show we care?
It has been lovely having the other half of F2M in school today! They have all been absolutely wonderful. Learning routines, playing with friends, exploring their new environments. Have a nice weekend everybody and we’ll see you all on Monday 8.40am. #LovePlover
Day 2 and 3 in 2L
This week we designed fairy doors for our crew community project, we took part in some graffiti artwork and played a team building game where we had to work out which colour sticker we had on our heads. The children were not allowed to speak and instead had to communicate in different ways. I was very impressed by their signing skills!
On Day 3, we enjoyed creating our fairy doors and our very own fairy wings.
Mrs Lewis
Y5 RSPCA visit
As part of our first week back and developing our new crews, some of our Y5 pupils had the opportunity to visit the RSPCA. They were able to meet some of the dogs who are waiting to find their forever home. Y5 are working on a very exciting project with the RSPCA so watch this space- more details to follow shortly!
-Miss Blackham
Does Crew stop at the gate?
Year 2 has concluded their exploration of this guiding question. We have taken our fairy doors into the local woodland and hope they will make people smile as they spot them. Please leave our doors where they are if you do spot them! We have also left a little present near each door. This has a little book to share at home and a handwritten poem by Year 2 to share the excitement of opening a book. We hope that when people have read the books, they will put them back into the bags and re-hide them for someone else to find.
First day in F2BP
We played games to learn each other’s names. We can show we care by remembering each other’s names 🙂
We also had our first school dinner. It was yummy!