Save the eggs!

2P continued our work investigating the properties and suitability of materials. We have been challenged to save Humpty Dumpty so he won’t crack when falling from the wall. We created our own designs using our scientific knowledge and then did a gallery walk to spot the strengths of other people’s designs. We then worked collaboratively to make some of our designs come to life. We must now conduct a fair test to see if they will work!


We are Scientific investigators.

2P has investigated which material would be best to construct a castle with. We made simple castles out of aluminium foil, paper, cardboard, plastic, bricks and wood. We then tested whether the materials would easily be destroyed by a projectile, by a strong wind or if they would easily burn. We realised that paper and foil were terrible choices and that the best material would be brick.


5S are scientists

Today, 5S investigated how the mass of objects can have an effect on their rate of falling toward Earth. We learned about the discovery of gravity and how it affects different objects in different ways. We also held a variety of objects in elastic bands, observing and recording how their mass affects how it stretches in accordance with gravity.

1CR – Science – Materials

This week 1CR have been thinking about the types of materials that would be suitable to use when building a castle.

We tested the materials in our outside environment to check for it’s strength, waterproof properties and ability to withstand the weather.

Once we had decided on the best material, we tested out some of the different construction methods and then tried to knock them down.

It’s all material.

2P have continued our investigation into materials and the suitability of materials for different purposes. We sorted materials by their properties and then investigated whether they were waterproof, strong and windproof. We discovered that materials can be different depending on what they are used for. We tested whether our outside wooden shed was waterproof by standing inside it and pouring water over the roof. We discovered that although the wood was generally waterproof, there were a few holes that allowed the water in! A small shock for a few children! We then collected our results and decided which materials would be best to build a house from.


‘Phases of the Moon’ Oreo fun!

6B had a great time using Oreos to create the different phases of the Moon. After doing research and creating their scripts in groups, the children organised their Oreo’s to create each phase. We then recorded their presentations ready for their final product at the Science Fair. They even got to eat them when we’d finished.


Miss Wood.

The sun in relation to the planets

5S have worked hard to conduct some research in books and online about the sun, it’s position in our solar system, and its importance to life on Earth.

They then presented their work to the class where we critiqued one another’s work to produce even better pieces in future – wonderful teamwork and compassion on display from all.

– Mr Schofield