Active Learning in 1M

In Maths we’ve been sorting and making patterns, moving our bodies to show our answers. In PE we’ve been working hard and playing fun team games. #LovePlover

Year 3 PE

Today year 3 had been absolutely amazing during their PE lesson, the coaches gave many of them so many praises! They played so well in the teamwork games by communicating and showing off active skills. Well done year 3, this has been the best PE lesson ever today!


Year 5 PE

Year 5 had their PE session today and they continued with their OAA sessions. They played plenty of active games which involved teamwork and thinking skills. In the end, they all had so much fun.


Working Hard in 1M

In We Care Wednesday Crew we learnt about kind hands and made pledge to encourage our friends to be kind.

This week in Maths we’ve learnt about shapes and sorted 3D and 2D shapes. Testing and stacking different 3D shapes.

In PE we practised our counting, catching and problem solving skills.

In expedition we’ve understood what is bullying and E-Safety! We made a poster to help keep us safe online, then designed some lovely Buddy Benches for our final product!

In English we’ve been writing sentences about why we are wonder’s – all with lots of active learning!

Ellis, Lacey-Mae and Kamari have been superstars in their learning. #LovePlover

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How can I be a hero to my friends? 1M

This week started with World Kindness Day. We showed our support by wearing odd socks and completing a sponsored walk to raise funds for our final product – Buddy Benches!

We were problem solvers in PE and worked on teamwork to solve the hoop games!

We had our Big Talk by the school nurses, who are experts in teaching us how to keep our bodies safe and let trusted adults know about any problems.

1M were mastering number and speedily made number bonds which had a part of 5 in.

Then finally we ended with pyjama day for Children In Need. Understanding how we can be heroes raising money for children in need and learning about why and who are positive relationships.

Shout outs to Dolunay, Jaxon, Esme and Peyton work working hard and being so kind! Have a nice weekend.

Mr Meade #LovePlover