F2 Pride of Plovers

Well done to Jacoby in F2BP for starting to blend in phonics, you little superstar. Well done to Laura in F2M, for being the sweetest little girl and for knowing all her phonics sounds that we have learnt so far. #LovePlover

Will it roll? Will it slide?

We have been exploring shapes today. We decided which shapes were best for building and we talked about why.

We sorted shapes into those that could roll or slide or both.

We then tried to build with the shapes in provision.

Have a look at our towers. We definitely couldn’t build with the sphere and noticed that we could only use a cone if it went on top.

Mrs Price


Working hard and being kind in F2

We have had some excellent examples of working hard and being kind today. Frederick worked independently and created Jack in a box. Charlotte created a picture to help her friends with phonics.

Hana, Harry, Jack, Elaf, Cohen and Niana have all read a book for the first time. They were very excited.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Price


Is it old or is it new?

In expedition today we learnt about how we could tell if a teddy bear was old or new. The children worked in pairs to decide if the pictures showed an old or a new bear. They then made an anchor chart of what they had learnt.

Mrs Price


Independent learning

In phonics today, the children were given an independent task to complete. Lots of the children completed the task and remembered how to write the letters. Well done everyone.

Mrs Price


Harvest Donations

Thank you to all those of you who have donated to the Plover Pantry for harvest even though the colour run isn’t now going ahead.

Thank you to Rebecca for this bag full of food. It is much appreciated.

Mrs Price


Crew Bear

Larah-Jean is the kind crew member taking Rainbow home today, have fun guys! #Love