Save Our Seas!

2P have explored how humans have had a negative impact on our seas and oceans thanks to our need for plastic. We have looked at the history of plastic being found in our waters and how this even extends to discoveries in the very deepest parts of the Mariana Trench. 2P decided that we need this to stop! We have used our research to make posters to make people realise the damage we are doing.


Fieldwork fun at Yorkshire Wildlife Parkā€¦

Approximately 17,595 steps or 13.12km of walking should mean your child will sleep well tonight. What a wonderful (but tiring) day! The polar bears were so active and our workshop helped us to better understand how enormous these fabulous creatures are. The photos really donā€™t do the day justice – you need to see them to believe them!

Your behaviour around the park was was fabulous 4H and shout out to everyone in the red crews for excellent behaviour whilst we were on the coach! I am so proud of you all.

Special shout out to Caleb who spent the day making as many notes as he could about polar bears!

Mrs Haycock


World Wildlife Day

Years 3 and 4 were lucky enough to join a live, online lesson yesterday to build our background knowledge of the worldā€™s biomes. It was great to see how much our children have learnt about the Arctic during this expedition.

I wonder if your child can tell you something new that they learnt from this opportunity.

Mrs Haycock


Pond Habitats 🐸🐟

Yesterday we looked at habitats for fish and amphibians. We made sure our ‘pond habitat’ had fresh, clean, calm water. As well as lilypads, rocks, green leaves, sticks, branches and water plants, along with some sand and soil at the bottom.

Stop Polluting Our Oceans 🌊

SAVE OUR SEAS! In geography today we learnt about the Mariana Trench which is the deepest part of the ocean on Earth. Sadly, pollution is having a huge impact on our oceans and sea creatures! We discussed and explored how we need to stop single use plastic, recycle and reuse. The children created some powerful posters! #LovePlover