A scrumptious morning in F2B

We made crispie buns today. The chocolate was hard at the beginning. We put it in the microwave oven and it melted. This made it go all soft and runny. We then mixed the rice crispies in and spooned it into our cupcake cases. After this, we put them in the fridge to go hard. Later, we will eat them!

Y3/4/5 Afterschool Football Tournament Tomorrow at Plover

Just a reminder to the Y3/4/5 children who received letters for the football tournament afterschool tomorrow. (Y3 Samuel, Lamar, Atlas, Ralph, Theo, Cassius, Avianna, Emma, Jarvis. Y4 Darcy, Olivia J, Ryley, Roscoe, Luke, Kodish, Mitchell, Lucas, Ellie, Violet. Y5 Tim, Cameron, Shayen, Sumit, Tommy W, Darwin, Johnny, Kai, Eifa, Nemrut)

Can all children bring football boots and shinpads.

It will be on the Plover field 3.30pm – 4.45pm.


Mr Meade

Our raffle winners!

A huge well done to all of our raffle winners. Thank you to all those who supported our raffle by donating and purchasing tickets. All money raised from our summer fundraising will go towards a Christmas pantomime for our children next term!

-Miss Blackham


Schools Catering Price Increase across XP Trust

Dear parents,

We have recently received next yearā€™s prices from our current catering providers, Doncaster Council Schools Catering Service.

Due to rising food and labour costs, they have significantly increased the price to all of our schools across the Trust.Ā 

Even with the schools heavily subsidising this, we may still need to increase the cost per meal for parents to Ā£3.00. We are greatly disappointed to ask this of our parents, but this is a decision we have had to make due to reasons out of our control.Ā 

We will continue to work with Schools Catering over the summer holidays to try and bring these costs down, whilst ensuring a high quality meal will be provided to each of our students. We will keep parents informed with any updates on this.

We are exploring other providers, and if necessary, we will look to change providers if a more cost effective offer is available elsewhere.

We will do everything we can to keep the price of school meals affordable to our parents, but we wanted to provide early warning that our prices are likely to increase from September 2024.