Year 5&6 parent reading workshop- Thursday 21st September 3:30-4:30

Reading is so important and we have lots of exciting reading competitions and incentives starting in 5/6. We need the support of our parents and carers so we are holding a parent reading workshop on Thursday 21st September. We will be sharing lots of amazing free resources for you to takeaway to support your child’s reading. We have a variety of free books and games for you to take away as well as a parent competition we will be launching! We would love to see you all there. Refreshments will also be available!

Thank you in advance for your support!

-Miss Blackham


We need more 2 litre plastic bottles!

Please keep brining in any 2 litre plastic bottles you have. We need them for our final product! Thank you so much to everyone who has brought them in so far! We are 2/3 towards our target of 400! Please bring them to 6B!


Our 5/6 summer reading challenge winners are…

Well done to all 5/6’s who joined in the summer reading challenge. Reading is so important and we challenged you all to read for twenty minutes a day, as many days as you could. We also asked you to read in a creative place and I think Paul and Tim did just that! So a huge well done boys. Our community crew is on Monday so your prizes will be awarded to you then!

We will also be launching our new reading challenge for the autumn term in community crew with our best prize yet!

Keep reading!

-Miss Blackham


Early bird learning starts next Monday for all Year 6’s! Mon-Thurs at 8:30am

All Year 6 children are invited to our early bird revision sessions Monday-Thursday at 8:30am.

These sessions will allow children to work on their personalised academic pledges they set each week in crew.

It would be amazing to see as many Year 6’s there as possible! It will be a relaxed environment where children can lead their own learning and spend time with their friends.

-Miss Blackham


Colour Fun Run info

Hi Plover Crew

Just a reminder Y1,2,3,5,6 children to come in old PE kit/ old light clothes tomorrow and bring £2.50 fundraising money.

Unfortunately, parents/careers can’t take part in this years colour run event!

Children will be dismissed at 3.15pm from the school field… parents/carers could therefore catch the end whilst waiting on Coniston Road for school gates to open at 3.10pm.

Thank you for your cooperation 😄🎨

Y5/6 Football Tournament After School Today

Hi all

Just a reminder to the Y5/6 football children that we have a football tournament on Intake Playing Field on Sandringham Road 3.30pm-4.45pm.

Can all children bring football boots/trainers, shinpads, waterbottle and PE Kit please.

Parents are to pick up (unless child is walking home on their own) from Intake Sports Hall and Healthy Living Centre, 97 Sandringham Rd, Doncaster DN2 5JA


Mr Meade

Red nose day- Friday 17th March ❤️

We would love all children to join us on red nose day with their craziest hair! There will be a winner from each year group who will win a prize! Children are also welcome to wear red noses.

A 50p donation would be appreciated but there is no pressure to do so as we recognise how hard times are at the moment.

We cant wait to see your crazy hair creations!

-Miss Blackham


Plover pantry!

A member of Intake Stronger Communities Team will be available during Plover Pantry if you need any support with any of the following issues. You do not need to use the pantry if you would like to speak with them, just call in. 

Stronger community’s team can offer Information, advice and guidance, along with signposting and support to services such:

Stronger families programme.

Wellbeing Team,

Support for Veterans


Citizen’s advice / Financial advice and support

Advise on staying safe.

Listen to any  problems  you are having around issues such as Anti-social behaviour.

We can tell you what is on in your area. Groups / events and more.
