Year ones and year sixes have been working collaboratively to explore and work out on the gymnasium equipment! Showing resilience, perseverance and bravery. #LovePlover
Category : Y6: Mrs Haycock’s Blog
Live author zoom call!
Today we have been inspired by Jess French, the author of ‘Protect the Planet’. All children in KS2 have also been very kindly gifted a copy of her book by the Literacy Trust. Listening to her speak about her life as a vet, as well as an author, made us realise how important it is to care for all life around us.

Mrs Haycock
Where have the Rockstars gone?
A gentle reminder to all year five and six pupils: TTRockstars awards can only be given if there are pupils to award them to so don’t forget to log in and challenge yourself in the studio!
I may even challenge you myself! If you think you can take on that challenge?

Mrs Haycock
Messi of the month!
Noah has been awarded the Messi of the month trophy at football and was so proud of his achievement that he asked to share this with his crew mates who are all super proud of him too! Well done Noah – I will take the ball off of you one day!

Mrs Haycock
Super Spellers!
Well done to this week’s super spellers from phase 5/6.

Mrs Haycock
#I LovePlover
What a charade!
They either loved it or hated it – playing charades in English today certainly opened my eyes and I now know that there are some truly dramatic children in 6H. It’s fair to say that some found it a challenge whilst others revelled in the limelight.

Mrs Haycock
Maths Week mash up
Long multiplication, number line placement and place value games have helped to embed the skills we need as marvellous mathematicians.

Mrs Haycock
We are marvellous mathematicians!
A huge shout out to everyone below.
Grappling with equipment in different ways has helped to clarify understanding visually for Mo, Roman, Lola, Taylor, Dahin and Noah. Lucas has had such a positive attitude over the last few days and I could not be prouder of him.

Well done guys!
Mrs Haycock
Pride of Plover and postcard praise.
I am incredibly proud of these two amazing members of year six…Ahriman is our proud pupil wearing the yellow T-shirt this week and Kyeran has dramatically improved his attendance! Well done to the both of you!

Mrs Haycock
Fantastic Fun at Club!
Tonight the UKS2 circuit training club joined forces with the year ones, in their Commando Joe Club. I noticed the children (and adults) were having lots of fun while getting fit together and I praise the team building that was going on.
Awesome guys! I can’t wait till next time.