Rescheduled stargazing event

Please be advised that our rescheduled stargazing event will take place on:

Monday 18th November

4pm – 6pm

Please note the revised time which makes advantage of the darker evenings.

Children are welcome to bring a cushion and blanket and we advise they wrap up warm.
Children must be collected between 5:50pm and 6pm- they cannot walk home alone.

1CU Take a Trip to the Woods!

This week, 1CU had the opportunity to visit Sandall Beat Woods and learn all about life in the past as part of our expedition From Rags to Riches. We made a shelter that became our medieval castle, created our own knight armour out of recycled milk bottles and even experienced cooking stew and bread over an open fire! Then we got to put our armour to the test in our very own battle with flour bombs to see which team would be made the champions!

The children had the best time and are still talking about all the fun they had at the end of the week!

Re-arranged Trip Details for 1CR and 2L

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Firstly, apologies for the late cancellation of the trip last week and thank you for your understanding. 

We are pleased to confirm that the trip has been rearranged for Tuesday 12th November 2024, for children in 1CR and 2L.

The fieldwork will include a walk to Sandall Beat Wood. The day will be spent in the activity centre doing different activities such as castle building and maybe even some campfire cooking!

The children will leave school at 9am and return to school by 3pm. Your child will need a packed lunch.  If children previously ordered a packed lunch this will be arranged.

Children are to wear school uniform for this trip with comfortable, appropriate footwear for walking in woodland. Please ensure your child brings an appropriate waterproof jacket in case of extreme weather during the walk. 

To help with finances at this time of year, the full cost of the trip will be covered by school. Therefore, there will be no charge for this trip. 

Additionally, if you had kindly agreed to join the visit to support the staff and children, please could you confirm that this is still the case with the class teachers. 

Mr Pickering (1CR) and Mrs Lewis (2L) will be leading the trip on this day.

Thank you once again for your support and understanding.

Mr Longley

Year 5&6 stargazing reminder ā­ļø

Our stargazing event will run between 5 and 7pm this evening. Thank you to all those of you who have signed up! Food will be served around 6pm. Children are welcome to bring a cushion and blanket and we advise they wrap up warm.
Children MUST be collected between 6:50pm and 7pm- they cannot walk home alone.

We are really looking forward to it!

-Miss Blackham


KS1 Fieldwork Visits – Reminder

We are really excited to see you all back at school after half term. Just a reminder that we are straight into our Fieldwork visits. 2P and 1CU are on MONDAY and 2L and 1CR are on TUESDAY. Please make sure you have the correct day!

Children will need to be IN UNIFORM but please wear appropriate footwear for a walk into the woods, on uneven ground. Also, please have an appropriate coat for the visit. Children will need to bring their own bag for their packed lunches and remember to take plenty to drink. Please remember to provide a packed lunch unless you have ordered one from school already!

The Mayorā€™s Walk and Wheel Prize – Thank You Ed Clancy

WOW – what an active day! A huge thank you to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, who awarded Plover Primary a cycling workshop prize with Ed Clancy – triple Olympic Gold Champion and Active Travel Commissioner. In recognition of our schools promotion of active travel, alongside the number of children participating in the Mayorā€™s Walk and Wheel Challenge.

Thank you to Emily Cherry (CEO- The Bikeability Trust) and the bikeability team, for their generous donation of balance bikes to the children of Plover.

Thank you to Cycle North for their engaging and supportive ā€˜learn to rideā€™ workshops, teaching 26 of our KS2 pupils to ride a bike for the very first time.

Thank you to Judith Shaw from Doncaster Council Road Safety Education, for your kind donation of bike lights.

We enjoyed a whole school assembly led by the inspirational Ed Clancy, children were awarded with bikeability badges and snap bands. #LovePlover #Bikeability #CycleNorth #SYMCA

EYFS Austerfield School Trip Reminder

Hi all F2

Can all children in F2 please come to school tomorrow in comfortable warm clothing, waterproofs and wellies and bring their water bottle.

Please ensure if you didn’t choose a school packed lunch option on the consent slip – that your child brings a packed lunch.

There were only 16 children who chose to have a school packed lunch.

Can all children be dropped off promptly at normal school time 8.40am. Parent helpers please then walk around to the main reception to be signed in.

We will leave Plover Primary School on the coach at 9.30am – arriving at Austerfield for 10am.

We will be leaving Austerfield around 2.30pm and be back at school for 3pm.

Thank you


Crew Farrow and Crew Graves/Robertson only (not 4F and 4GR)

We were lucky enough as crews to win the Community Crew prize on Friday. Children has requested that we have a dress up as a book character day on Friday, and we thought this was a good idea.

Please do not go to any expense, but feel free to come dressed up on Friday 18th October.

Mrs Graves
