Numberblocks are go!

What a fantastic Number day. We did lots of learning around Numberblocks and making numbers. Some of the children made Numberblocks, some made pictures using the characters and some children explored different ways of making numbers.

Thank you for a lovely day F2P. It was fantastic to see all your different number learning.

Mrs Price


F2 Pride of Plover

We have 2 fantastic yellow t-shirt winners this week.

Brendan has settled really well into Plover. He has been very kind, sharing and making lots of new friends. Well done Brendan.

Charlie has been working hard all week to get a 4 in his HOWLs. The rest of the class have been really proud of his attitude to learning this week. Well done Charlie.

Mrs Price


Pyjamarama Day

On Friday 14th May, we will be celebrating Pyjamarama Day in school. Children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas for a suggested donation of Ā£1. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of a bedtime story for all children. Donations will go to the National Book Trust, who use the money to help all children have a story in their homes to read. Children will be participating in some fun activities in school on this day, all linked to reading for pleasure.

Finding out about Komodo dragons

Do you know where Komodo dragons live, what they eat and how big they are? The children have been finding out today that dragons can be real and that not all dragons have wings. They have been labelling pictures and pretending to be Komodo dragons in their play.

Mrs Price


999 Which service do you require?

The children have learnt how to phone the emergency services today and what would happen if they had to make the call. They acted out different scenarios including being the call-taker.

Mrs Price


What does a paramedic have in their bag?

Following on from Mr Price’s visit to us we talked about what he had in his bag and if it was the same or different to a doctor. Was it the same as Princess Pearl in the story?

We followed up our discussions by cutting and sticking pictures onto a bag. We agreed on some of the pictures and gave different reasons for some of the others.

Mrs Price


F2 Pride of Plover winners

Congratulations to our 2 superstars today.
Aarav has been chosen because he has tried so hard in his learning, persevering in his daily routines.

Jacob has been chosen for his enthusiasm in learning and for asking lots of questions. He really enjoys sharing his learning with his friends.

Well done boys. We are very proud of you.

Mrs Price


I tried my best

We are very proud of Matthew. He has worked very hard in adult directed activities and in play to learn to read. Today he read all phase 2 graphemes in words for the first time meaning that he could move on to read red reading books. He was so happy and told all his friends about his fantastic reading.

Well done Matthew.

Mrs Price


How did Princess Pearl help the dragons?

Today we have been learning about being first aiders. We learnt how Princess Pearl helped the dragons and the name of the equipment used.

A shout out goes to Edy for knowing the name of a stethescope.

Mrs Price
