Dress up day and film night

As part of our next expedition (that starts after the easter half term), we are hosting a dress up day on the first Monday back. As well as this, we are running a film night on the Thursday of the first week back. All details are on the poster. If you have any questions, please ask class teachers.

Year 3 & 4 Celebration of Learning

This Friday is the Year 3 and 4 Celebration of Learning at 2pm at Plover.

You will have the opportunity to buy your child’s beautiful canvas Polar Bear painting for a donation between £2 and £5 in aid of the charity ‘Polar Bears International’.

We will also be holding a chocolate tombola.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our event.

Year 3 and 4 Team

3GS Peaceful Protest

For our family learning, we produced banners to inspire action around climate, joined our Year 3 and 4 classmates, then took to the streets in protest.

Well done everyone – your activism will inspire others.