Today we learnt about animal habitats and discussed similarities and differences between our homes to theirs. We learnt where different animals live and had a go at making our own habitats.
Miss Wood
Today we learnt about animal habitats and discussed similarities and differences between our homes to theirs. We learnt where different animals live and had a go at making our own habitats.
Miss Wood
Today we used the autumnal objects we collected in the woods yesterday, to create a large hedgehog picture. The children really enjoyed creating this collage and talking about the different shapes and textures of the natural materials found.
Miss Wood
Thank you to all our grown up’s that joined us on our school trip to the woods today! The children had great fun exploring the woodland, finding autumnal objects to create pictures with and for us to use later on this week to continue our learning. We read the story of Percy The Park Keeper, After The Storm, as our hook and we will be painting some animals from this story onto our final products. We are excited to go back to the woods at the end of the year to hide the pebbles for our final product.
Miss Wood
After reading the story of The Little Red this week and learning about how bread is made, today we tried different varieties of bread. I was so pleased as everybody tried all types of bread and rated their favourites.
Miss Wood
Well done to our yellow T-shirt winners this week, Jacoby and Charlotte.
Jacoby has only been in our setting a couple of weeks but has transitioned really well into school life. He is beginning to make friends choose his learning across the different areas in the classroom. Well done Jacoby keep it up, it’s lovely to see you so smiley and happy now.
Charlotte has been a real role model to all our new children since September. She is always kind, engages in all areas of learning and follows all of our class norms. We are so pleased with you Charlotte, you’re a pleasure to have in our crew.
Miss Wood
Don’t forget our visit on Monday 9th October.
30 hour children – come to school as normal in the morning, collect at 11:35 and then meet in the woods, near the park for 12:15.
AM children – instead of coming to school, meet in the woods, near the park for 9:15.
PM children – instead of coming to school, meet in the woods, near the park for 12:15.
Children need to be in their school uniform, with wellies/waterproofs over the top. Any problems on the day please call the school office to make us aware or email me on [email protected]
Today we have been having a go at colouring amounts. We used neon colours to celebrate glow day and made our own numberblocks.
Miss Wood
Thank you to all the parents that have supported us in our glow day today. The children have had a great time dressing up in bright colours, having a glow part, doing glowing maths work and watching a glow story!
Miss Wood
A big shoutout to Jack and Sophia who have both beautifully re told the whole story of The Little Red Hen today, using the pictures, their own words and known repetitive phrases. This shows me you have done fantastic listening this week and taken your learning on board.
Miss Wood