We are working as geographers!

Today we have been learning about physical and human features of our local area. Then we zoomed in on rivers and canals. I wonder if your child can remember which one is physical and which is human? Working with a partner, everyone has begun to find out as much information as possible about the River Don or New Junction Canal. What great researching techniques I saw!

Mrs Haycock


We are readers!

We have been learning about the features that authors include when they write novels or stories. Then we have analysed our model text to look for the features we have been learning about. But did we know what analysing was? Of course we did! Well done 3H!

Mrs Haycock


Space Blasters

Today our book club started to read our mystery book, Space Blasters: Suzie saves the universe. We’ve enjoyed learning about the authors and exploring the map of the spaceship and can’t wait to get stuck into chapter one.

Mrs Shuka


F2-Y6 to come in PE Kits on Wednesday

Hi all

For our Sports for Champions athlete work out on Wednesday.

Can we ask that all children from F2,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6 come in PE kits on Wednesday please.



Cricket Clubs 🏏

Is your child interested in cricket?

Find their nearest All Stars (5-8 year olds) or Dynamos (8-11 year olds) Cricket Centre by following the link below;https://ecb.clubspark.uk/AllStars/SearchResults?gclid=CjwKCAjw67ajBhAVEiwA2g_jEPJ0vbYlFf0j5HF56GxjyBzLyKDRsXdwaNSbUhYtLbqjS98cWY7_8xoCmKIQAvD_BwE

Sports for Champions Fundraising Money

Good Morning Crew Plover

Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money for the Sports for Champions campaign!

The money raised with fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and provide some much needed sports equipment/ opportunities for our school.

If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by tomorrow Tuesday 23rd May please! If you feel more comfortable not giving cash yoy can scan the QR code which takes you to the crowd funder page.

Thanks a lot,

Mr Meade #LovePlover

Sports for Champion – Sponsorship Money

Hi Plover Crew

Just a gentle reminder, can all children bring in their sponsorship money/forms by next Monday 21st May!

In support for the Sports for Champions campaign, then we can count our whole school total and give out prizes for the highest fundraisers in each KS1, before the half term holidays! #LovePlover

We are activists!

Mrs Carter and I could not be prouder of this group of children. They were unhappy that there was litter on our school grounds! Thoughtfully, they took it upon themselves to ask for a carrier bag so that they could clean up what they could. How kind!

The children also wish to make a stand:

Don’t drop your litter or your scraps of toast. From our classroom windows, we often see gulls trying to eat pieces of toast that are far too big for them to swallow. Think about what could happen next when you drop your toast. Then pick it up and put it in the bin. Thank you.

Mrs Haycock
