School places

This is a reminder to all families who have children starting school in September either in nursery or reception to apply for a place if you haven’t done so already. Please remind friends and family if they haven’t applied also.

We have 15 hour and 30 hour places available in nursery. 30 hour funded places are usually from 9-3 and 15 hour places either in a morning or an afternoon. However, if this doesn’t meet your child care requirements please let us know and we will try to accommodate where we can.

We are able to offer places in nursery for those children who will be moving up to reception in September. This will enable children to make friends with the children they will be with in September.

If your child was 3 before Christmas then they can also start as an early starter in nursery now.

If they are 3 between January and April then they could start as an early starter after the Easter holidays.

EYFS children are usually able to access before and after school paid provision and clubs. Due to the pandemic however these are currently not running.

If you are interested in a nursery or reception place and would like more information please contact the school office.

Thank you

Mrs Price
