Time to read crew- reading for pleasure!

In crew, our UKS2 children have been enjoying reading their books outside with their friends. They discussed which books they have read this week. They shared the author of the books, the genre and a summary of the texts so far. The children then each made a pledge to read a recommend text next. We have been able to build on our ‘texts we have read’ displays and we have nearly met our class targets!

We love to read in UKS2! 🙂

-Miss Blackham


3SG We are scientists

Today we conducted an experiment to test the melting rates of chocolate.

We placed a chocolate button in different locations and timed how long it took to melt. We took the temperature at the same time.

We had some interesting findings, that really made us think and draw conclusions – why did the chocolate in the Bubble not melt at all, even though the temperature reading was very similar to outside – where the chocolate melted in 2 minutes? We had a discussion, and decided that there was a variable – the concrete on the playground was very warm, but the carpet in the bubble was not.

We have loved doing the experiment and next we will put our findings down on paper in a scientific report.

Mrs Graves


Mermaid maths

In our story this week, the mermaid was running out of time. It started with ten minutes and on each page a minute passed. We used our cubes on the carpet to represent the minutes passing. We could see the minutes that had passed on the floor and the minutes that were left in our hands. We saw our number bonds to ten and the subtraction facts that go with it. We loved seeing the patterns and some of us knew the numbers because we can remember our number bonds to ten, without having to count. After that, in provision, some awesome mathematicians wrote down what we had found out.

Sporting Success!

Congratulations to all footballers across school whose clubs have had their presentation evenings. Crew Haycock are extremely proud of their players, here are a couple of them with their awards.

Shout out to Kodish who won keeper of the season!

Good luck next season, everyone!

Mrs Haycock


We can plan and carry out a fair test!

Over the last couple of weeks, Years 3 and 4 have been working as scientists and experimenting with states of matter: trying to find out if temperature affects the rate at which matter changes state. Our final task was to investigate the quickest way for Mr Wonka to create his chocolate river if all of the chocolate he has only exists in solid form.

Here we are, trying to think of different ways Mr Wonka could try to melt his chocolate…I wonder which location or method worked the best and melted the chocolate the quickest?

Now to consider our findings and draw conclusions for Mr Wonka!

Mrs Haycock


We Care Wednesday Crew

Over the last week, we have been learning about staying safe in the sun. We made posters to remind everyone about wearing sun-hats, finding shade, applying suncream and drinking plenty when it is hot and sunny. We critiqued our posters to check we shared the safety message.

Preparing for our CoL (Celebration of Learning)!

We started the week in mini crews planning what we could have at our celebration of learning. We then did a gallery walk to see everyoine’s ideas. After that, we decided which posters we would need at the event and we worked in pairs to make them. We have been artists and planners and writers!