We are so proud to have been awarded the school of kindness award by 52 lives. We will display this with pride in our school!
-Miss Blackham
We are so proud to have been awarded the school of kindness award by 52 lives. We will display this with pride in our school!
-Miss Blackham
As summer has finally arrived, we would like to invite all parents and carers to have tea and cake with their children on the school field from 1pm on Friday afternoon. We appreciate that this is short notice but we would like to make the most of the weather on the last day of the school year and enjoy fun outside!
There will be a range of activities along with refreshments. Previously owned uniform will be available too!
If you would like to join in the fun, please arrive at school for 1pm, when you will be able to collect children from their classroom doors so that they can be signed out. Any children who are not collected by parents will still take part and will be supervised by the class teacher. EYFS children will enjoy activities in the EYFS outdoor area.
Bring a picnic blanket and join in the fun! Our local ice-cream man will be attending too!
We hope to see you there!
The children from red crews in KS1 had a great afternoon! As the winning Crew for Spring term, they enjoyed a water fight and even though it wasn’t very sunny, their smiles and laughter were enough to brighten the dull day. Congratulations to Crew Lewis and Ketteringham!
Mrs Lewis
Everyone in 4H has worked so hard today to expand their understanding of different faiths and their Holy Books. Well done everyone. You really have produced some beautiful work to be proud of!
Well done everyone
Mrs Haycock
Today we learned about the religion of Buddhism! We sequenced the story of Buddha. Then used words to describe the calming influence of Buddha. Did some meditation and completed a Kahoot quiz. #LovePlover
It was great to see so many Y5 children learning about safety and the basics of cycling today. Some of the children will advance onto street cycling tomorrow.
A big shout out to Morris, who grew in confidence when riding a bike for the first time this morning! #LovePlover
Please note that ALL crews will have experienced a treat for winning the most crew coins this year. Blue crew had the opportunity to spend time on the giant inflatables when they won in the autumn, red crew have won a water fight due to their win in the spring (as our winners win their treat the term after.) Yellow crew have won a prize to be announced shortly as they are the summer winners.
Children in red crew will need a towel, a spare pair of clothes and a bottle to fill with water.
-Miss Blackham
Today, we did some mindful meditation and talked about how it made us feel. Lots of children used the words ‘calm, happy, tired, sad, dancey’.
We then watched a video about BUDDHISM. The children talked about The Buddha and how he was enlightened and realised that there was so much suffering in the world but we needed to learn to be happy with what we have got. Buddhists use meditation to help them focus on these things. They celebrate the Buddha on Vesak day. Similar to some of the celebrations we have, they give cards. They also have lanterns to keep the dark away.
We made some lanterns to help us remember about Vesak.