Speedy reading

3F have started using dictionaries in speedy reading to find the definition, and word class of different words. As well as this, some students have been using dictionaries in their writing to check spellings.

Phonics Stay & Learn!


As some of you may know, in June the children will sitting their Phonics Screening Check. 

This year we have been following the Read Write Inc scheme and we would like to share with you some of the practices so you could support your child further. I invite you to come and see this in action. As well as having the opportunity to work with your child and practice their sounds. 

If you could enter your child’s name below to suggest that you would like to attend, we will be having the session on Friday 10th May at 9:00. 

Miss Ketteringham


EYFS artist visit

We would like to say a very big thank you to Helen for visiting Plover today. She is a local artist. Helen showed the children some of her artwork and how to paint seaside pictures. She then spoke to them as they painted their own postcards. We have some amazing artists in F2 who can explain their colour choice and what they are painting.

Mrs Price


Gravel please

For the EYFS outdoor area we need gravel and small stones to create a vehicle area where the children can use toy vehicles and create roads.

If you have or know anyone who has a large amount of gravel that they would donate to us it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

EYFS team


F2 Pride of Plover

Well done to Max and Georgia for earning our badges this week. Max has been working really hard and getting smart, especially in phonics. He has been kind helping his friends too. Georgia has been a good helper especially when children have struggled with their learning. She has been kind to grown-ups too. Mrs Reeve said that Georgia has been working hard in phonics. You are both superstars.

Mrs Price
