Sticky Knowledge

Today we looked at the festival of Diwali and recalled what we had learnt last year.

These are the things that we remembered.

Mrs Price


We can order numbers

Kason, Rafia and Seb have been working together to order numbers to 20. Oh the fun I had swapping them around and turning digits upside down to challenge them to correct my silliness! Well done folks. You did great!

Mrs Haycock


One Million Words

Wow, wow, wow! Well done to everyone in my Reading group, you have all worked so hard and together you have managed to read one million words over the last term!

The children have worked so hard to develop their fluency, comprehension and inference skills and they have been enjoying using our Reading Plus platform. As you can see, they were so pleased to meet their goal!

Well done to all of you, you are all superstars!

Mrs Lewis


We are readers

3F have been working hard in speedy reading to define key vocabulary from our text of the week.