Little Twitchers!

2P have been Scientists today by using their observational skills to conduct a survey. We took part in the RSPBā€™s Big School Bird Watch and spent time looking and identifying different bird species. We will submit our data to be used in the national survey. We were surprised by how many birds we saw considering how cold it was. Wood Pigeon were definitely the most common!


Habitat builders!

2P have been learning about woodland habitats. We used our knowledge of the layers of woodlands to recreate a habitat scene from natural materials. We tried to include the forest floor and winter trees. We even attempted to make animals and birds from the materials around us!


We have met a real-life polar bear expert!

We have been in awe this afternoon when we visited Svalbard via GoogleMeet! Joanna (our expert speaker) works as a biologist for an amazing organisation called Polar Bears International. She told us so much about polar bears and their habitat – helping us to build real-life background knowledge. She is currently working on a really important project about polar bear and human cohabitation. We aim to help her organisation towards the end of our expedition by making a monetary donation. You can find out more about them on their website:

It was one of my favourite moments so far this school year when children started getting out of their seats and as close to the screen and Joanna as they could. Everyone started the session sat at a table then slowly but surely, more and more crept closer and closer to her. They were enraptured!

Thank you, Joanna!

Mrs Haycock


Woodland Habitats

In expedition we were scientists and explored collecting different natural woodland to make our own habitat – can you spot the fox, birds and insects? #LovePlover

F2 Scientists

We wanted to help The Troll and The Billy Goats become friends so we tried to find a way for the Billy Goats to be quiet when crossing the bridge. We predicted which materials would be best to make socks for the Billy Goats and tested them out. Watch our video to see the results!

Mrs Bubb


Bird experts

This afternoon, we had a webinar with experts that taught us about habitats and biodiversity. We were able to use the knowledge that we have already learned to answer questions about habitats and birds. There are over 11,000 different bird species and we hope to be able to identify some of them when we do our Big Bird Watch event next week!


Building Habitats: Protecting our Planet!

Key Stage 1 have been learning about the importance of plants and trees to our planet but also about how they provide habitats for birds and other wildlife. Today, we started work on our final product for our expedition. Using our experts from the Council, we have planted 5 fruit trees to create a mini-orchard and also many different types of plants to create a hedgerow along the boundary of the fence.

We learnt about how to care for our newly planted saplings and also how we can protect them whilst they are still establishing themselves in their new home. We can’t wait to see how they grow and develop in the months and years to come. Hopefully, one day, we will have apples, pears, cherries and plums to eat!

The trees and hedges were kindly provided by the Tree Council as part of their Orchards for Schools project.


The Tree Council Website