This morning Y1 enjoyed a special RE story all about the celebration of Jesus! The children were kindly given a little book and all of them were so appreciative. #LovePlover
Category : Religious Education
RE in Year 1

Today in our RE lesson, Year 1 learnt all about Christenings and Baptisms. Some children even acted out a role play of a Christening. They were then able to pop the key words onto the picture of a baptism scene. Super work Year 1!
Miss Wood
Year 1 RE
I am super proud of year 1 for the work they had been displaying today in RE. Today we have been looking at what the purpose of celebrations are and why we do them. We discussed what we need to include in a birthday party after looking at pictures of what a celebration event looks like and they came up with a fantastic list!

RE in F2

The children in F2 learnt all about The Christmas Story yesterday. They then worked in small groups to put the pictures from the story into the correct order. Keep working hard F2!
Miss Wood.
RE in 2P
Year 2 were learning all about different Christian celebrations in RE, particularly christenings and baptisms. The children learnt all about what happens in a baptism ceremony and all the key words involved. They were then able to successfully label the diagram and enjoyed colouring in the picture when they were finished. Great work Year 2!
Miss Wood

1M Remember
Thank you to our expert visitors this week – ex Army Steph and Cornet player Sean!
Shout out to Elisa’s continued hard work and beautiful home learning. Well done to Mateo for working hard in Maths and expedition.
We have been artists this week in expedition using different materials and techniques to create our Flanders Fields and Poppy Wreath art!
We have been writers and learned about subjects and verbs, to write some lovely independent sentences.
In crew we learned about being a good friend.
A little visitor left us a special note to keep an eye on 1M ready for World Kindness day next week…
Have a great weekend 1M!
Mr Meade #LovePlover

R.E in F2
Children were learning all about how Christians put their faith and trust in Jesus and how they trust him not to lead them astray. They had so much fun learning to trust each other blindfolded and being led around the classroom, putting their faith in the leader.

Year 1 learning about religion

Year 1 had a very productive afternoon learning all about the religion of Islam and how the religion first began. They worked so hard and did some wonderful pictures.
Miss Wood
We are comparing religious festivals
As we approach Easter, we have been thinking about other people and the many different faiths and beliefs they have – no matter where they may live in the world.

I look forward to seeing the finished posters all about out learning later on today.
Mrs Haycock