Year 6 have enjoyed learning more about Islam and how Muslims try to live their lives using the 5 Pillars of Islam. They asked questions to deepen their understanding and showed fantastic respect and tolerance when discussing different beliefs that people have. They produced some lovely work linked to the 5 Pillars of Islam #LovePlover
Category : Religious Education
Y2 Faith Day
We had a great day today in Y2 finding out about Islam. The children found out about the importance of prayer and when and what Muslims do when they pray. We were lucky enough to have our very own experts in Y2 and they were brilliant at sharing their knowledge with us.
Have a look at what we’ve been up to.
Year 4 Faith Day 🕌🙏
Today, we have been learning all about the Muslim Holy Book: the Qurāan for Faith Day. Massive shoutout to Aseel and Dania for doing some home learning and delivering an excellent presentation to the class about their religion! They should be very proud of themselves. The children asked some sensible questions and have learnt lots to be able create some informative posters about the Qurāan. Well done!
Miss Brown
Faith Day Year 6
Year 6 have enjoyed learning more about Islam and how Muslims try to live their lives using the 5 Pillars of Islam. They asked questions to deepen their understanding and showed fantastic respect and tolerance when discussing different beliefs that people have. They produced some lovely work linked to the 5 Pillars of Islam #LovePlover
F2B Faith Day
Today we learned about Eid. Muslims celebrate Eid. Their religion is called Islam. Zehra in our class in Muslim and we enjoyed learning and sharing knowledge together. We read a Muslim story about a family, like Zehraās, who did Ramadan. Zehra explained Ramadan is when they donāt eat food in the daytime (fasting) but they eat food at night. For Eid, they share a big feast and sometimes have fireworks. We made Eid Mubarak cards and some children chose to give theirs to Zehra. We ate spicy food from Bakrs Mum. Some of us loved it! Some of us nearly cried because it was so spicy- we all had a giggle! What a lovely day learning about other peopleās faiths. We celebrate our differences.
Mrs Bubb
Faith day F2P
We have learnt lots of things today about Eid and Ramadan.
Thank you to Bakrās mum for making us some delicious food. We made Eid cards and looked at Indian clothes too.
Bakr told us about some of the things that happen in the mosque too.
Mrs Price
F1 Faith Day
Today for faith day we have been learning about Eid. We have used our fine motor skills to have a go at creating Eid cards and tried some delicious Islamic food such as Samosaās, kebabs, spring rolls and biriyani. We read the story Rameenaās Ramadan and looked at the Eid my first festivals video, we also listened to some Islamic music.
Miss Wood
Faith Day – Year 1/2
This afternoon we have been learning about the special people worshiped in Islam. First, we discussed Allah (glory to him) and learned about his creations. To do this we went on a gallery walk around the classroom and made a note on our whiteboards to feedback to the class. We then coloured in all of his creations.
We then introduced the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and talked about the important role he plays. We then learned more about his life and his family.
Faith Day in year 6
Year six worked collaboratively to create an informative poster about The Five Pillars of Islam.
RE in F2
F2 have looked this week at the Persian New Year in their RE session. We discussed how the Persian New Year is different to our new year celebrations as it is based around the beginning of Spring. The children then linked their fine motor skills to different pictures of spring. Well done F2!
Miss Wood