Austerfield Visit

Austerfield visit on Wednesday
Children do not need to wear uniform but will need to wear wellies and waterproofs. We will be sending them home on Tuesday for children to come to school in them on Wednesday.
We will be leaving school as close to 9 am as possible so please be at school by 8.45 so that we can toilet and get orange bibs on.
Thank you
Mrs Price and Miss Wood

Pride of Plover

Well done to Maisie for being our Pride of Plover today. Maisie has been a superstar. She is so kind to her friends and looks after our equipment. She has been challenging herself in her learning too.
Mrs Price


Autumn Handwriting Competition

Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.

Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

Mrs Graves


We are bakers

Today in maths we learnt to use the words heavier and lighter.

We then used the words in our baking and we made teddy biscuits to raise money to buy teddy bears for other people.

We had lots of fun mixing, rolling and cutting.

Mrs Price


Reading challenge

Well done to Kyla today who read a whole book on her own. She sounded out all the words and followed them with her finger.

A superstar!

Mrs Price


Postcard from Mrs Abbiss

Mrs Abbiss gave a postcard today to someone who has blown her away with his concentration, attitude to learning and the progress that he has made. Well done to Kayson. You are working so hard and we are proud of you.

Mrs Price


Learning to write

Elizabeth and Summer have shown lots of progress in handwriting today listening to instructions and writing letters correctly. They were so proud to share their learning.

Mrs Price
