Lily-well done for working hard all day and following instructions. You also worked super hard in your phonics!
Mrs Price and Miss Todd

Lily-well done for working hard all day and following instructions. You also worked super hard in your phonics!
Mrs Price and Miss Todd
Children’s University are running an Easter egg colouring competition. Some classes are taking part in school but it is also available to print from the CU website. If your child takes part, please collect your stamp code: RED8131
Mrs Shuka
Lots of you will be receiving certificates this week from Children’s University. Well done if you have achieved your next milestone and we’ll look forward to seeing you at your graduation in July!
Look out for new summer codes coming soon. Please make sure you have added all of your Spring and Autumn codes as these will be deleted over the Easter break. If you need support with this, I am available at 4pm every Wednesday in 3H.
Mrs Shuka
We were very proud of our book winners today for reading lots of times at home. They are looking forward to reading their books at home.
Mrs Price
Thank you to Mrs Shaw for bringing George back to visit us today. He has grown. He now has 2 teeth and can chew lots of things.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
Well done to Bailey for earning his book award. He was very happy to choose a book today.
Mrs Price
Thank you to all the parents who supported us with Crazy Hair day.
Mrs Price
In maths we have been using the question “What do you notice?” This has prompted lots of discussions around what the children can see. They have then applied this learning to representations using the 10 frame.
Ellie and Kaya made up a game where they took turns to be the teacher sharing their learning. John made circles to show what he had learnt. Maisie and Kyla had a competition to see if they could work out the patterns on the 10 frame the fastest.
Mrs Price
Today we learnt about being artists and critiquing the pictures that we had drawn. The children used I notice, I praise and I wonder. There were some fantastic drawings. The finished product will be on our Mother’s day cards.
Mrs Price