Year 4 PE

Today, year 4 carried on with their athletic skills with chest push with a ball, long jump and relay races!


Year 6 PE

Year 6 has been practicing their athletic skills today. They have been working on improving their long jumps, chest push with a ball, speed jumps and relay race (passing on the baton). I have been super proud of the progress they have made today so they have all achieved 4 in their PE assessment today! Super well done year 6 šŸ™‚


Year 5 PE

Year 5 have been working on their athletic skills today by practicing a variety of skills. They worked together to do relay races (passing on the baton), long jump, speed jump and chest push with a ball. All children had a go working in teams to complete all of the challenges.


Carnivore V Herbivores in PE

We continued linking expedition to our PE lessons, by playing carnivores and herbivores invasion games using our ball skills to get to the other habitats. #LovePlover

Year 3 PE

Today year 3 had been practicing their athletic skills with various different activities. They got into groups and went around the room to improve their speed bounce, long jump, sprinting and chest push with a ball.

Athletics in Y3/4

LKS2 have had a couple of great days in PE learning a variety of different skills including; sprinting using a bounce board, long jump, speed bounce and chest push activities. The children worked up a sweat and it was so nice to see every child so engaged and excited about their learning!


Miss Wood

Year 4 PE

Today, year 4 had been improving their running skills by practicing and learning about how to do a relay race. They began by running the course, then learning how to carry the baton without dropping it before finally learning how to pass it onto their teammates. Well done year 4, super work today!


PE ⚽️

In our PE lesson this week, we were practicing dribbling the ball using small touches. The children were then asked to work as a team to race each other to see who could complete the course the fastest.
The children we then challenged further by having more cones to move through. We had lots of fun with Coach Morgan & Coach Adam!
Big Congratulations to Lola and Joe, our sports stars of the week! 🌟