Year 4 PE

Year 4 had come back excited for the PE session today and they had discovered what athletics is all about. They discussed what could be involved in athletics (e.g. running, jumping) and the meaning of quick reactions and reflexes. They were then tested on their reaction skills with a game to see who could get the cone the fastest to get points. The children then were split into groups of 3 so their running skills could be worked on. One child was the coach, one was timing the runner, and the last running, to which they all took turns. I saw impressive teamwork being displayed and it was proven by the running race at the end of the session. Well done year 4 for persevering!


Dinosaur Hunters 🦕 🦖

Y2 noticed dinosaur footprints on the playground, then found different dinosaurs and sorted them into carnivores, herbivores, omnivores! Next they did some dinosaur footprints of their own and finally they drew a dinosaur! #LovePlover

Soft Play

We have had lots of fun on our new soft play equipment this morning. We have done some great balancing, rolling and moving in different ways.

Miss Wood


Y5/6 Dodgeball Tournament Tomorrow 3.30pm-4.30pm

Hi all, these children are taking part in the Dodgeball Tournament tomorrow after school at Plover 3.30pm-4.30pm. Please can these children wear comfortable trainers and PE shorts – Plover will provide a sports top:

Ara R, Cameron B, Syler Rose E, Eifa W, Ella B, Johnny C, Tommy Lee C, Taliah D, Jasmine Marsh, Scarlett C, Darwin A, Sumit T, Eden Z, Tommy B, Henry R, Lily-Grace G.

We will be competing against Mount Carmel and Park Primary.

Children will be dismissed from the main reception.

Any questions please ask Mr Meade