Y5/6 Dodgeball Tournament Tomorrow 3.30pm-4.30pm

Hi all, these children are taking part in the Dodgeball Tournament tomorrow after school at Plover 3.30pm-4.30pm. Please can these children wear comfortable trainers and PE shorts – Plover will provide a sports top:

Ara R, Cameron B, Syler Rose E, Eifa W, Ella B, Johnny C, Tommy Lee C, Taliah D, Jasmine Marsh, Scarlett C, Darwin A, Sumit T, Eden Z, Tommy B, Henry R, Lily-Grace G.

We will be competing against Mount Carmel and Park Primary.

Children will be dismissed from the main reception.

Any questions please ask Mr Meade

Year 5 PE

5L had a brilliant PE session this morning. They warmed up by working in groups to stretch and make letters and numbers with their bodies.They then worked on their team building skills to map out a route to ‘cross the river’ while their team mates had to remember which cone was the correct one until they made it to safety.


Miss Wood.

Active Maths

Mastering number – we noticed number patterns of one more and one less. We used cubes to measure and compare different lengths. We practised counting using Move & Learn activities. #LovePlover

Active Learning in 1M

In Maths we’ve been sorting and making patterns, moving our bodies to show our answers. In PE we’ve been working hard and playing fun team games. #LovePlover