Happy Half Term

Siyar, Mateo, Dolunay, Maria, Sreelakshmi and Elisa Brough in some beautiful home learning artwork – magnificent artists!

Shout out to our superstar handwriters Flynn and Peyton. Well done Bailey and Henry for working hard on their reading.

Have a lovely half term 1M, rest, relax and stay safe! #LovePlover

Year 5 PE

Today was the last time year 5 would do athletics, so they had a choice of what they could work on, taking it in turns to improve their athletic skills.


Year 3 PE

Year 3 have been carrying on with practicing their athletic skills!


Year 4 PE

Year 4 has been continuing with their athletic skills today!


Year 6 PE

To prepare for a competition, year 6 has been working on their athletic skills to cover all the challenges given to them. They worked on their long jumps, speed jump, chest push with a ball and a new challenge, ring toss. They have absolutely smashed it with perseverance today, well done!
