Active Travel Rap

Last Thursday, we created a rap with actions to promote Active Travel. We enjoyed some physical activity with KS2 on the trim trail and playing basketball to end #NationalSportsWeek #LovePlover

Plover Sports for Champions Fundraising Reminder

Hi Plover Crew

In a couple of weeks we have, local sporting inspiration, Jason Cunningham visiting us on Tuesday 9th July!

We are all going to enjoy training like a champion and want to know who will be Plover’s fundraising Sports Champion?

Just a gentle reminder for all sponsorship money (big or small) to be handed into class teachers by next Friday 5th July the latest please šŸ™‚

If you need another sponsorship form please ask your class teacher for one. #LovePlover

3SG PE: Developing our cricket strategies.

3SG had a lovely session in PE where we discussed how we can co-operate and communicate to improve our strategies when fielding in P.E. We put our thoughts into practice in small groups then challenged each other to a full game – great participation from all – well done!

Sports Day Practise

Y1 have continued their @YouthSportTrust #NationalSportsWeek activities by practising different sports day races! We also discussed the wildlife we saw on the way to school as part of @SouthYorksMCA #WalkandWheelSY #LovePlover

Active Travel and National Sports Week

Well done to all the children who are continuing to walk or wheel to school, parking safe, getting active and helping save the planet. Weā€™ve continued being active in school too, with active crew, active learning and active lining up! @SouthYorksMCA #WalkandWheelSY
The children enjoyed the scavenger hunt to find the different national flags from the Euro 2024 tournament as part of @YouthSportsTrust #NationalSportsWeek


Fantastic Year 1 Trip to the Deaf School

Year 1 have been absolutely brilliant today, showing kindness, respects and wonderful HoWLS during their visit to the Deaf School. We have completed a local community field work study, working with specialist local partners within our community and developing lots of skills and knowledge about our local community! I am sure the children will be able to teach you a few BSL signs when they get home. Thank you to all the teachers and children of the Deaf School who were awesome experts! #LovePlover