RE in 2P

Year 2 were learning all about different Christian celebrations in RE, particularly christenings and baptisms. The children learnt all about what happens in a baptism ceremony and all the key words involved. They were then able to successfully label the diagram and enjoyed colouring in the picture when they were finished. Great work Year 2!


Miss Wood

Year 2 R.E

2P really enjoyed learning about Christian parables today. We looked at the story of ‘The Good Samaritan ‘ and what the deeper message is behind its story. They then ordered the story into the correct sequence. Well done Year 2!


Miss Wood

R.E in Year 2

Year 2 did so well this afternoon when taking part in a gallery walk! The children were looking at different visual representations of Jesus and we had such a good discussion about how people pictured him to look and why. They had such good ideas and opinions. Keep it up!


Miss Wood

KS1 Celebration of Learning-Wednesday

Good morning KS1,

Just a reminder that on Wednesday morning 9.30-10.30am is KS1’s Celebration of Learning. If all grown ups come through the main reception as the CoL will be in the main hall!

It will be a nice way for our children to reflect on our expedition and end the year! They will be selling their final product prospectus for £1 and bringing home all this years learning books! #LovePlover