Nursery Are Scientists!

Today we have been scientists and learning to understand the world, focusing on the statement “talk about the difference between materials and the changes they notice”. We explored the dry porridge oats and then made predications on how it might look/feel when we mix them with water. We then made some porridge by adding milk, to taste the oats. Most of us thought the porridge was delicious, but some of us were not a fan.

Mrs Williams


F2M Fieldwork at Austerfield

We’re going on a big bus. Then we arrived at Austerfield. We’re going to make a circle. Then we wandered into the woods. We made some wood porridge for the 3 Bears and created some bear faces using natural outdoor resources. We played bear tag whilst trying to steal the porridge. We’re going to enjoy our lunch. We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a… we explored, we learned, we found, we made, we played and we helped each other. WHAT A BEARUTIFUL DAY! #LovePlover