Well done to this lovely lot for being chosen by their crews for appreciations this week! #Wearecrew!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to this lovely lot for being chosen by their crews for appreciations this week! #Wearecrew!
-Miss Blackham
Well done Crew Haycock for winning this week’s attendance award with 99.38%.
Please see poster for further information on the height and weight checks the school nurses will be carrying out on the 12th October in school.
Today we have been building our background knowledge about one of the planets of the solar system. We were able to find out lots of interesting facts which we will present in a formal report. I wonder if your child can tell you anything about the planet they researched?
Mrs Haycock
Today we have realised the importance of placing digits strategically. We were competing to create the largest five-digit number we could – randomly generating our digits by rolling a dice. The frustration and tension caused whenever a digit lower than 5 was rolled created a great sense of friendly competition between everyone!
Mrs Haycock
John-Henry has shown so much resilience in art this morning. He has created a stunning first draft of a planet from our solar system. He worked really hard on mastering the techniques with water colours and he accepted his critique ready to make draft two even better! I can’t wait to see it! 10 crew coins-well done!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to this superstar who was the first person to bring in some Expedition homework and what an amazing high standard it is to start the year! Mo won a dip in the box and ten crew coins! Who will be the next person to bring some in? We can’t wait to fill our corridors with your beautiful home learning!
-Miss Blackham
Bacon/sausage sandwiches will be on sale Thursday 16th September for £1.50 for all Year 5/6’s. We are starting our fundraising early. If you would like a sandwich, please bring your money to myself (Miss Blackham) before Wednesday 15th September!
-Miss Blackham
Today we have had an incredible afternoon using our bodies as musical instruments. We have been able to create pulse, beat and rhythm with our hands, feet and voices. Well the children could anyway – my multitasking skills were not quite as effective as theirs! Well done guys I’m super proud of you all.
Mrs Haycock
Unfortunately, we have to postpone our stargazing session this evening. The weather is very much against us and come the end of the school day, rain and storms have been forecast. We were hoping it would blow over and clear up but unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be the case.
We will keep in contact via the school blog and emails and hope to have this event rearranged towards the back end of next week.
Kind regards
Mrs Haycock and Mrs Chapman