Christmas Whole School Assembly – 2020 style

Adapting and changing has been the norm in 2020 and no more so when it comes to assemblies in bubbles!

Well done Mrs Ogle for organising our end of year whole school quiz! I wonder which class will be the winner?


It’s the final countdown……

Morning just a quick update on our busy last week.


Wednesday – Christmas dinner, swimming and wear a Christmas jumper day with your school uniform.


Thursday  – Christmas party day so children can wear party clothes to school but please layer up as it will be cold at break times!

The end is in sight at long last!!


WWII: What is Doncaster’s story?

Our Year 5/6’s have been working extremely hard to produce a product on their latest Expedition- WWII: What is Doncaster’s story?

The children have engaged in standards based learning all linked to WWII and Doncaster! The children have produced a range of stunning postcards which have been put together by a professional graphic designer to sell to the public. Please watch our video and postcards are available to purchase from the office for £5 per pack. Monies raised will be put back into phase funds to support future Expeditions and trips!

5/6 Christmas cards

The time is nearly upon us to start thinking about Christmas in school. Many children and adults ask us about cards. Due to the current situation, we have thought about how best to go about the giving and receiving of cards in school this year.

This year, please only send cards to children in your year group bubble (eg 6B, 6H & 6C or 5W & 5K).

From December 1st, children can bring cards and place them in the year group post box. This will be in their classroom. Cards can be dropped in any day up until 11th December.

On 11th December, the post box will close and no further cards can come into school. This will mean all cards will enter a period of quarantine. On Tuesday 15th December, all cards will be given out.

Please ask a member of the 5/6 team if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your support in helping to enjoy the joy of giving and receiving cards, whilst keeping everyone safe.

We are artists!

I was blown away by this superstars artwork! The attention to detail was stunning and I just had to share it on our blog! Well done Paras! Keep up the hard work mate!