A reminder the KS1 Celebration of Learning is this Friday At 2pm.
We look forward to you joining us to complete a Rags to Riches quiz and catapult challenge.
Last week, Year 3 and 4 showcased their hard work over the last term at the Celebration of Learning. Well done for showing resilience, bravery and compassion. Thank you to everyone who came to visit and purchased art work.
We have been working really hard in Years 3 and 4 to produce portraits of our key artist: Henry Moore. Just look at this beautiful work to be proud of…
Every child needs to be proud of their achievements this week. I hope they take on their next artistic challenge of working with the media that Moore had available to him during World War Two with as much enthusiasm and support for each other as they have over the last few days…true crew!
Mrs Haycock