Easter raffle!

-Miss Blackham


Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush!!!

On the first Monday back after half term, all children in Year 3 and Year 4 are going to seeing how clean their teeth are.

We will be using a disclosing tablet and then the children will be able to see any areas where they have missed brushing their teeth.

To ensure all children can take part in this activity, please could you send your child’s toothbrush and toothpaste in a small named plastic bag.

if your child is unable to use a disclosing tablet, please could you inform your class teacher in advance.


Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 Home Learning

You should have now received the home leaning menu for our Spring Expedition ‘The Power of Life: What fuels us?’.

There are some useful dates for events happening throughout the term.

As well as some ideas for how to further the learning in this expedition, there is also a set of times tables and all the the spelling words from year 1 – 6 to give you an idea of what the children are expected to know.

In addition to the voluntary home learning activities, it is crucial that children are reading everyday at home, practicing their times tables and practising spellings. Please speak to your class teacher if you would like some more information on how to help your child.

I look forward to seeing how creative and innovative everyone can be at home.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 Times Tables Check Parent’s Information Session

I would like to invite Year 3 and 4 parents and carers to a times tables information session on Thursday 19th January at 3:15 in the school hall.

You may be aware that all children in Year 4 will have to complete a Times Tables Check, set by the Department for Education in the summer.

The session will last approx 45 minutes and will give more information about the check, as well as giving some tips for how to support your child over the coming months.

Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions or if you are unable to attend.

Mrs Graves


Happy New Year

Welcome back. happy New Year, I hope you all had a lovely break over the Christmas holidays.

It has been great seeing all the children back in today. We have been excited to start our new expedition: The Power of Life – What fuels us?

Just a reminder that Student Led Conferences (SLCs) are taking place this week and you should have been informed of dates and times by your class teacher. These meetings are being led by your child and they will be discussing their learning with you, so they do need to come with you.

To support you with the SLCs, you should have received a data snapshot via email today, to give you information about the progress of your child over the last term. Please check your junk mail if you have not received or speak to your class teacher.

I look forward to seeing you over the coming days.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 and 4 Celebration of Learning

In tomorrow’s celebration of learning, children can bring their evacuee/World War 2 costume (that they wore for the Wilderspin trip) and get changed before the performance.

If they do not want to wear a WW2 costume, they can wear their normal school uniform.

We look forward to seeing you at 1:30 tomorrow (Thursday 8th December)

Mrs Graves
