Dragon kite

There has been some fantastic colouring today as children have been making Chinese dragons and dragon kites.

Harry was very proud of the kite he made.


Moving dragon

Well done to the children who have described a real dragon today. We shared some dragon facts in F2P hangout this morning. A Kimodo dragon can grow as long as F2P carpet- huge!! There have been some lovely dragon photos sent in today too.

Another skeleton

Firstly well done to all the children who completed the 5 day Act Fast First Aid Challenge.

Lots of you have learnt about looking after someone who is poorly. Thank you to all the mums, dads, brothers and sisters who have taken part in the challenge too.

Lena has made a skeleton today.

Some of the children in school have been shape detectives. Some have been practicing counting in 2s.

Have a lovely weekend and get ready to learn about real dragons next week.

What to do with a casualty

It has been lovely to see children learning about first aid this week. I have seen children learning about dangers and knowing how to keep safe. Some children have been practicing assessing the casualty and putting them in the recovery position.

A shout out to Daniel for letting Mia practice on him.

Another shout out to Lena who practiced CPR on her teddy bear and pretended she was the doctor.

Pirate ship

Vivan has been very busy making a pirate ship. He tried to cut it out and join it together by himself. He did all the painting on his own. Well done Vivan.