Keep up the home learning Year 6!

We are so proud of every single one of you as I have just double checked and every one of you has completed at least two pieces of revision this week! This is absolutely amazing! Please keep it up. We are nearly there!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 PE

Today year 6 had been learning ball skills for cricket. After observing how to bowl a ball, they practiced this by trying to hit the wicket and catch the ball. They then learnt how to use the bat and practiced swinging it to hit the ball to the bowler. At the end, year 6 played a mini game of cricket, batting the ball to the fielders. Well done year 6 for great practice today!

NSPCC Production

Year 5 and 6 pupils were treated to a brilliant play this afternoon, delivered by the team at NSPCC. The children listened and watched carefully as we followed the story of the dangers that social media can bring. The actors were superb and the play also allowed for the children to advise the actors about what they should say and do in different scenes – this was great fun! All children took a leaflet home about the issues covered this afternoon and we will be following this up in school. Please ask your child about the important messages shared. #LovePlover

Reading in 6B

I had a lovely morning in 6B, working on our reading skills ahead of our SATs tests. The children learned about the charity, FareShare, and the link between this organisation and the work it does to support The Plover Pantry. The children answered a range of 1, 2 and 3 mark questions on a text detailing the work of the charity and how it has impacted communities around the UK. The children really impressed me with both their work and their enthusiasm. Well done and keep going Year 6! #LovePlover